Friday, April 4, 2008

Tired, bored and broke

I jus hate working wif aunties....nt tat I have anything against them but they really get on my nerve sometime. They are noisy and very unreasonable. Nag at u when u dun listen to them or dun follow their way of working. CB u think only ur way correct isit must follow u. Insisting doing things when we told them its wrong den kena fuk by boss lidat oso happy. Inconsiderate, nvr think for we youngster. I know u are older we are young should do the more heavy things but we are not superman and u are nt the one giving us our pay. Everytime can only think of eating, dun eat or drink coffee will die. I wonder if they are here to work or to enjoy life seriously....My mom taught me to be respectful to elderly but sometimes I really feel like dragging them one side and k them.....wan scold oso no heart to scold later they cry I dunno wad to do. ARGH! HElP! I must think of a way to deal wif them.

Today I jus work at a event where Minster mentor Lee kuan yew was giving a tok. Wah he quite tall sia and somemore 88+ yrs old still so fit. I love to listen to his tok. Its very interesting and his way of thinking is really good. He was surprisingly funny during the tok. Amazing tat at this age he still so fit, I wonder if I reach tat age would I be lidat....hmmm

I am so tired from work and broke. I got so much things need to buy....guess hav to wait till pay day.

Shopping List
-Slipper/shoes (VIP) nvr buy i going to hav to go out barefoot
-a pair of black leggings
-a bag
-some clothes

well tats all

Chow chow

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