Monday, October 20, 2008

Time to update

Time to update!
Its been a long long time since i last update >_<
BBQ wif my workmates, very long nvr bbq le >_<

The Gals ^^

Kk, Ah lum me & audie
Ah lum is really enjoying his prawn lol so cute!

All my trainees are going back to Philippines soon they came to visit us salima n me cried T_T

We had a farewell party for them, we went to kbox at marina square and had a great time!
ima n me acting chio hee

Deric, Kk, me & audie
I cannot stand the way deric smile, I think he is using alot of strength to smile man lol

ME, my mentor & my shimei. We are from the same clan hee. ! extra monkey spoilt my family pic KNS.

C wad I mean? He really use alot of strength to smile lol.

We had comics fair at here, me n kk can't resist and sneak up to tak alook. We end up taking pic wif these guys, their costume are so real when they tok its the same as in the movie, u know like they tok through a mic. ( WA SI NI LAO PEI)

My fav shampoo ad model hee (The predator)

Next up Singapore garden festival, 1 gd thing working in suntec I get free entrance to all these kind of things, The whole hall was decorated beautifully, This pic with the garden in it is call the beetle garden, I love this the most!

Another part of the beetle's garden

This was called the underwater garden above the shining thing is a roof filled wif water, the effecr simply nice!

A meet up wif shuhui and our gang from work! ^^ Since she jus came back from NZ

She really becum so pretty >_<>

shuhui n kk

Shuhui n ah lum

Suddenly remember I am addicted to this icecream from MOF SUPER NICE, me n ima always go to the one at bugis to eat the dessert. Now my lot1 shopping centre jus open a MOF dessert shop WAHAHAHAHA

We went flying at dragonfly, The place seriously not my cup of tea, They had a live band tat sings chinese song nvm, BUT RETRO ONE WAKAO! how to dance kns, dance floor small seating are super squeeze really I dun enjoy. BUT the company was great. C the oldest uncle in the pic, He is one one I hate the most at work

My fren pretty wife( got 6yr old kid still super sexy) ima n me ^^

Ah lum n the sexy mom husband(my workmate) sibei ah beng dunno how he get her to marry him sia....

Ima n Me :)

Ah lum Benny choo choo me
We always like to disturb benny, He 40 + uncle but very playful everyday go club, I thought he was single becos he was very sissy, but shocked to find out he was married n had 2 daughter....

My face filled wif pimple ever since I started working HAIZ dunno wad happen

My cousin wife n me at my cousin's wedding dinner ^^

The cute little boy is her son. Pretty mom n handsome son...I oso wan

Karis Kk Me at our company (Rasing The Bar) course, everyone in suntec was required to attend a 1day course its was Fun, you get to c alot of ppl in a different way apart from work :)

Rita ima Me at Balaclava for a drink a our course
n FOR F1 race hee. Guess wad our ballroom had a great view of the race hee

While drinking, my fren kept asking me if i wan a candyfloss, I thought he was drunk n said yes if u can get me 1 ...N he came back wif this super big candyfloss LOL Everyone in the bar was looking at me like wad the hell are we doing.....

We love white ^^ The bar was jus beside the race route, It was so loud I can feel my ear would bleed anytime. U cannot imagine....

View from our ballroom, We got other better place but we were lazy to walk so we jus watch here

It took me pains to tak a pic of the car, it was so fast KNS

Me n ima chilling out a apple struduel (dunno how to spell) shop while waiting for our frens to come to celebrate our fren's bday

While waiting .....

The bday gal in the middle ^^

Werid pic wif alot of werid
Wad is she doing to the signage board lol

Nothin to do i play him, n he was so ah goon he went out like this to pass the bill to the guest to

I draw to kill the time nice?

Me n kk before F & N dinner & Dance on sat

Chris pass out due to a week to marathon working. Actually everyone nearly die, We work more than 12 hrs from last week till now.... My whole body aching like nobody business.... we got 2 more weeks to go. My OT got alot alot but I dunno I got chance to spent anot at the rate we working lol.

Finally I wan say sorry to shuhui >_<

I know I keep fly ur areoplane but I really dun mean to. I promise when my work cool down we will hav fun, Provided I'm still alive by then :)

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