Thursday, November 6, 2008

Makan Makan

MAkan MAkAn

Recenly I've becum such a glutton, I cannot resist nice food.

First stop Crytal Jade Ramen & Dim sum Restaraunt

We went to the one at bugis junction, the lighting there very nice sooooooooo....

Tak Pics la!

C tat small plate of veg? I think it was suppose to be a pickle veg to help to eat more later, but it taste horrible like thinner mixed wif veg.....yuck!

We order xiao long bao, fried prawn beandcurd skin, jiu cai dumpling, bejing dumpling, beef clear soup ramen. Sound little but its very fullfilling.

The xiao long bao very very nice, the prawn beadcurd super crispy n the prawn very big yum yum!
The jiu cai dumpling nt my cup of tea.....
The beef ramen super nice! The soup is clear n light wif a taste of beef in it + ramen very Q.

The Beijing dumpling, the first dumpling my dear ate was half cooked, imagine eating the pork inside tat is raw.....he spit it out and ask for a change, it took a very long time before the change one came but still very nice!

The next day me n ima went to shoduko japanese restaraunt at bugis

We order apple vinegar as our drinks. The taste not bad and it was suppose to be good for us.

Ima order a spicy seafood udon, I tell u the soup is power! It is spicy but at the same time u cannot stop drinking it. : x

I ordered a Hokkaido seafood pizza. The crust was very very thin so we had no problem finishing it. Nice

Yum Yum udon!

The one we have been waiting for, our dessert caramel banana waffle.

The verdict? SUPER NICE wahahahah!

Me and my trainees at harry's bar after work for a drink, my trainee the one on the right is totaly like me lor cannot drink one lol....the one on the left drink beer like water -___-

Sometimes I really envious of ppl who can drink wine, beer or any alcohol drinks and wun turn red and can drink alot because I CANNOT F...

kk tml is another busy day for me T_T

Monday, October 20, 2008

Time to update

Time to update!
Its been a long long time since i last update >_<
BBQ wif my workmates, very long nvr bbq le >_<

The Gals ^^

Kk, Ah lum me & audie
Ah lum is really enjoying his prawn lol so cute!

All my trainees are going back to Philippines soon they came to visit us salima n me cried T_T

We had a farewell party for them, we went to kbox at marina square and had a great time!
ima n me acting chio hee

Deric, Kk, me & audie
I cannot stand the way deric smile, I think he is using alot of strength to smile man lol

ME, my mentor & my shimei. We are from the same clan hee. ! extra monkey spoilt my family pic KNS.

C wad I mean? He really use alot of strength to smile lol.

We had comics fair at here, me n kk can't resist and sneak up to tak alook. We end up taking pic wif these guys, their costume are so real when they tok its the same as in the movie, u know like they tok through a mic. ( WA SI NI LAO PEI)

My fav shampoo ad model hee (The predator)

Next up Singapore garden festival, 1 gd thing working in suntec I get free entrance to all these kind of things, The whole hall was decorated beautifully, This pic with the garden in it is call the beetle garden, I love this the most!

Another part of the beetle's garden

This was called the underwater garden above the shining thing is a roof filled wif water, the effecr simply nice!

A meet up wif shuhui and our gang from work! ^^ Since she jus came back from NZ

She really becum so pretty >_<>

shuhui n kk

Shuhui n ah lum

Suddenly remember I am addicted to this icecream from MOF SUPER NICE, me n ima always go to the one at bugis to eat the dessert. Now my lot1 shopping centre jus open a MOF dessert shop WAHAHAHAHA

We went flying at dragonfly, The place seriously not my cup of tea, They had a live band tat sings chinese song nvm, BUT RETRO ONE WAKAO! how to dance kns, dance floor small seating are super squeeze really I dun enjoy. BUT the company was great. C the oldest uncle in the pic, He is one one I hate the most at work

My fren pretty wife( got 6yr old kid still super sexy) ima n me ^^

Ah lum n the sexy mom husband(my workmate) sibei ah beng dunno how he get her to marry him sia....

Ima n Me :)

Ah lum Benny choo choo me
We always like to disturb benny, He 40 + uncle but very playful everyday go club, I thought he was single becos he was very sissy, but shocked to find out he was married n had 2 daughter....

My face filled wif pimple ever since I started working HAIZ dunno wad happen

My cousin wife n me at my cousin's wedding dinner ^^

The cute little boy is her son. Pretty mom n handsome son...I oso wan

Karis Kk Me at our company (Rasing The Bar) course, everyone in suntec was required to attend a 1day course its was Fun, you get to c alot of ppl in a different way apart from work :)

Rita ima Me at Balaclava for a drink a our course
n FOR F1 race hee. Guess wad our ballroom had a great view of the race hee

While drinking, my fren kept asking me if i wan a candyfloss, I thought he was drunk n said yes if u can get me 1 ...N he came back wif this super big candyfloss LOL Everyone in the bar was looking at me like wad the hell are we doing.....

We love white ^^ The bar was jus beside the race route, It was so loud I can feel my ear would bleed anytime. U cannot imagine....

View from our ballroom, We got other better place but we were lazy to walk so we jus watch here

It took me pains to tak a pic of the car, it was so fast KNS

Me n ima chilling out a apple struduel (dunno how to spell) shop while waiting for our frens to come to celebrate our fren's bday

While waiting .....

The bday gal in the middle ^^

Werid pic wif alot of werid
Wad is she doing to the signage board lol

Nothin to do i play him, n he was so ah goon he went out like this to pass the bill to the guest to

I draw to kill the time nice?

Me n kk before F & N dinner & Dance on sat

Chris pass out due to a week to marathon working. Actually everyone nearly die, We work more than 12 hrs from last week till now.... My whole body aching like nobody business.... we got 2 more weeks to go. My OT got alot alot but I dunno I got chance to spent anot at the rate we working lol.

Finally I wan say sorry to shuhui >_<

I know I keep fly ur areoplane but I really dun mean to. I promise when my work cool down we will hav fun, Provided I'm still alive by then :)